name: 'cargo-semver-checks' description: 'Ensure the public API in your Rust crate follows semantic versioning' branding: icon: 'check-circle' color: 'green' inputs: crate-name: description: 'The crate whose API to check for semver' required: false default: '' crate-target: description: 'By default, check the library target of the crate. To check a different target (e.g. a binary target), set this to `--bin `' required: false default: '--lib' version-tag-prefix: description: 'The prefix to use for the git tag for a version; the default "v" creates tags like "v1.0.0"' required: false default: 'v' runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Install rust uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable profile: minimal - name: Build rustdoc and check it shell: bash run: | set -euxo pipefail # Colorize output, since GitHub Actions terminals support color. export CARGO_TERM_COLOR=always export PACKAGE_NAME="${{ inputs.crate-name }}" if [[ "$PACKAGE_NAME" == '' ]]; then export PACKAGE_NAME="$("$GITHUB_ACTION_PATH/")" else # cargo rustdoc uses the exact package name, not the "underscores" version. export RUSTDOC_EARLY_FLAGS="--package $PACKAGE_NAME $RUSTDOC_EARLY_FLAGS" fi # Check for semver violations. cargo install cargo-semver-checks --locked cargo semver-checks check-release --package "$PACKAGE_NAME"