#!/bin/bash # The problem-matcher definition must be present in the repository # checkout (outside the Docker container running hadolint). We copy # problem-matcher.json to the home folder. PROBLEM_MATCHER_FILE="/problem-matcher.json" if [ -f "$PROBLEM_MATCHER_FILE" ]; then cp "$PROBLEM_MATCHER_FILE" "$HOME/" fi # After the run has finished, we remove the problem-matcher.json from # the repository so we don't leave the checkout dirty. We also remove # the matcher so it won't take effect in later steps. cleanup() { echo "::remove-matcher owner=brpaz/hadolint-action::" } trap cleanup EXIT echo "::add-matcher::$HOME/problem-matcher.json" if [ -n "$HADOLINT_CONFIG" ]; then HADOLINT_CONFIG="-c ${HADOLINT_CONFIG}" fi if [ -z "$HADOLINT_TRUSTED_REGISTRIES" ]; then unset HADOLINT_TRUSTED_REGISTRIES fi COMMAND="hadolint $HADOLINT_CONFIG" if [ "$HADOLINT_RECURSIVE" = "true" ]; then shopt -s globstar filename="${!#}" flags="${*:1:$#-1}" # Check if filename and directory name are the same if [ "$(basename "$filename")" != "$(dirname "$filename")" ]; then # Run hadolint command and save the results to a variable RESULTS=$(eval "$COMMAND $flags" -- **/"$filename") # Check if HADOLINT_OUTPUT is specified and save results to file if [ -n "$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" ]; then if [ -f "$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" ]; then HADOLINT_OUTPUT="$TMP_FOLDER/$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" fi echo -n "$RESULTS" >"$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" fi else # Skip the check if filename and directory name are the same RESULTS="" fi else flags=$* # Run hadolint command and save the results to a variable RESULTS=$(eval "$COMMAND" "$flags") # Check if HADOLINT_OUTPUT is specified and save results to file if [ -n "$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" ]; then if [ -f "$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" ]; then HADOLINT_OUTPUT="$TMP_FOLDER/$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" fi echo -n "$RESULTS" >"$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" fi fi { echo "results<>"$GITHUB_OUTPUT" { echo "HADOLINT_RESULTS<>"$GITHUB_ENV" [ -z "$HADOLINT_OUTPUT" ] || echo "Hadolint output saved to: $HADOLINT_OUTPUT" exit $FAILED