import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as semver from 'semver'; let cacheDirectory = process.env['RUNNER_TOOLSDIRECTORY'] || ''; if (!cacheDirectory) { let baseLocation; if (process.platform === 'win32') { // On windows use the USERPROFILE env variable baseLocation = process.env['USERPROFILE'] || 'C:\\'; } else { if (process.platform === 'darwin') { baseLocation = '/Users'; } else { baseLocation = '/home'; } } cacheDirectory = path.join(baseLocation, 'actions', 'cache'); } import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; const IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32'; // Python has "scripts" or "bin" directories where command-line tools that come with packages are installed. // This is where pip is, along with anything that pip installs. // There is a seperate directory for `pip install --user`. // // For reference, these directories are as follows: // macOS / Linux: // /bin (by default /usr/local/bin, but not on hosted agents -- see the `else`) // (--user) ~/.local/bin // Windows: // \Scripts // (--user) %APPDATA%\Python\PythonXY\Scripts // See function binDir(installDir: string): string { if (IS_WINDOWS) { return path.join(installDir, 'Scripts'); } else { return path.join(installDir, 'bin'); } } // Note on the tool cache layout for PyPy: // PyPy has its own versioning scheme that doesn't follow the Python versioning scheme. // A particular version of PyPy may contain one or more versions of the Python interpreter. // For example, PyPy 7.0 contains Python 2.7, 3.5, and 3.6-alpha. // We only care about the Python version, so we don't use the PyPy version for the tool cache. function usePyPy(majorVersion: 2 | 3, architecture: string): void { const findPyPy = tc.find.bind(undefined, 'PyPy', majorVersion.toString()); let installDir: string | null = findPyPy(architecture); if (!installDir && IS_WINDOWS) { // PyPy only precompiles binaries for x86, but the architecture parameter defaults to x64. // On our Windows virtual environments, we only install an x86 version. // Fall back to x86. installDir = findPyPy('x86'); } if (!installDir) { // PyPy not installed in $(Agent.ToolsDirectory) throw new Error(`PyPy ${majorVersion} not found`); } // For PyPy, Windows uses 'bin', not 'Scripts'. const _binDir = path.join(installDir, 'bin'); // On Linux and macOS, the Python interpreter is in 'bin'. // On Windows, it is in the installation root. const pythonLocation = IS_WINDOWS ? installDir : _binDir; core.exportVariable('pythonLocation', pythonLocation); core.addPath(installDir); core.addPath(_binDir); } async function useCpythonVersion( version: string, architecture: string ): Promise { const desugaredVersionSpec = desugarDevVersion(version); const semanticVersionSpec = pythonVersionToSemantic(desugaredVersionSpec); core.debug(`Semantic version spec of ${version} is ${semanticVersionSpec}`); const installDir: string | null = tc.find( 'Python', semanticVersionSpec, architecture ); if (!installDir) { // Fail and list available versions const x86Versions = tc .findAllVersions('Python', 'x86') .map(s => `${s} (x86)`) .join(os.EOL); const x64Versions = tc .findAllVersions('Python', 'x64') .map(s => `${s} (x64)`) .join(os.EOL); throw new Error( [ `Version ${version} with arch ${architecture} not found`, 'Available versions:', x86Versions, x64Versions ].join(os.EOL) ); } core.exportVariable('pythonLocation', installDir); core.addPath(installDir); core.addPath(binDir(installDir)); if (IS_WINDOWS) { // Add --user directory // `installDir` from tool cache should look like $RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE/Python//x64/ // So if `findLocalTool` succeeded above, we must have a conformant `installDir` const version = path.basename(path.dirname(installDir)); const major = semver.major(version); const minor = semver.minor(version); const userScriptsDir = path.join( process.env['APPDATA'] || '', 'Python', `Python${major}${minor}`, 'Scripts' ); core.addPath(userScriptsDir); } // On Linux and macOS, pip will create the --user directory and add it to PATH as needed. } /** Convert versions like `3.8-dev` to a version like `>= 3.8.0-a0`. */ function desugarDevVersion(versionSpec: string) { if (versionSpec.endsWith('-dev')) { const versionRoot = versionSpec.slice(0, -'-dev'.length); return `>= ${versionRoot}.0-a0`; } else { return versionSpec; } } /** * Python's prelease versions look like `3.7.0b2`. * This is the one part of Python versioning that does not look like semantic versioning, which specifies `3.7.0-b2`. * If the version spec contains prerelease versions, we need to convert them to the semantic version equivalent. */ export function pythonVersionToSemantic(versionSpec: string) { const prereleaseVersion = /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)((?:a|b|rc)\d*)/g; return versionSpec.replace(prereleaseVersion, '$1-$2'); } export async function findPythonVersion( version: string, architecture: string ): Promise { switch (version.toUpperCase()) { case 'PYPY2': return usePyPy(2, architecture); case 'PYPY3': return usePyPy(3, architecture); default: return await useCpythonVersion(version, architecture); } }