2019-10-03 21:31:44 +01:00

51 lines
1.9 KiB

# Hadolint GitHub Action
> Action that runs [Hadolint](https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint) Dockerfile linting tool.
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## Usage
uses: brpaz/hadolint-action@master
## Inputs
The path to the Dockerfile to be tested. By default it will look for a Dockerfile in the current directory.
## 🤝 Contributing
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.
1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`)
4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
5. Open a Pull Request
## Useful Resources
* [Building actions - GitHub Help](https://help.github.com/en/articles/building-actions)
* [actions/toolkit: The GitHub ToolKit for developing GitHub Actions.](https://github.com/actions/toolkit)
## Author
👤 **Bruno Paz**
* Website: [https://github.com/brpaz](https://github.com/brpaz)
* Github: [@brpaz](https://github.com/brpaz)
## 📝 License
Copyright © 2019 [Bruno Paz](https://github.com/brpaz).
This project is [MIT](LICENSE) licensed.